• Feel free to talk to us! 314-455-3341
  • 5494 Brown Road, Suite 106 Hazelwood, MO 63042
Caring for you like family, with a nurse's touch.

We have Authorized Nurse Visit services for enhanced supervision of the personal care aide and maintenance or preventative services provided by a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse under the supervision of an RN or physician. This service is provided for participants authorized by another Personal Care service. Our Authorized Nurse Visits are conducted by experienced professionals who have undergone extensive training and are licensed by the appropriate governing bodies. COMPREHENSIVE NURSING & HOME HEALTHCARE works closely with healthcare providers to ensure each participant’s care plan is tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

During each visit, our nurses will assess the participant’s condition, provide any necessary medical treatments, and monitor their vital signs to ensure their health is stable and improving. We aim to help participants maintain their independence and improve their overall health and well-being while providing the necessary support and guidance to help them achieve their healthcare goals.

Prioritize Your Health Needs

Don’t let your health needs go unmet. Contact us to learn how we can provide the support and care you need for your health.