• Feel free to talk to us! 314-455-3341
  • 5494 Brown Road, Suite 106 Hazelwood, MO 63042
A better quality of life, from the comfort of home.

We have Advanced Personal Care with a maintenance service to assist with activities of daily living when such assistance requires devices or procedures related to altered body functions. This service provides comprehensive and specialized care for individuals who need extra help due to medical conditions, disabilities, or age-related limitations. Our skilled caregivers are trained to provide compassionate, dignified care that enhances their quality of life and supports their independence. COMPREHENSIVE NURSING & HOME HEALTHCARE ensures tailoring to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring that you receive personalized and effective care. We provide flexible scheduling and can provide services regularly or as needed.

Our Advanced Personal Care services include:

  • Medication Management
  • Wound Care
  • Catheter and Ostomy Care
  • Nutrition and Feeding Assistance
  • And More

Prioritize Your Health Needs

Don’t let your health needs go unmet. Contact us to learn how we can provide the support and care you need for your health.